Divi is a great choice to build websites for virtual assistants. It has everything you need built-in to show your services and provide all the information potential clients might need. Just add or create a layout and style it for your using design. Of course, you don’t have to create the design yourself. There are lots of Divi child themes available that were professionally designed specifically for virtual assistants.
In this article, we’ll take a look at 10 Divi child themes for virtual assistants to help you get a head start on your Divi website. The child themes have everything you need and include lots of elegant styling. The child themes are in no particular order.
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1. Clarity
Clarity was designed with virtual assistants in mind and can work for any type of service-based business. It comes with 7 page-layouts including home, team, services, pricing, FAQ, blog, and contact. Bloom super slim opt-in and footer opt-in forms are included. The theme uses soft colors and elegant fonts to create a feminine design. The blurb overlays are pink with a flower icon. Most titles use a vertical bar next to the text. Buttons are styled with brackets for borders. It also includes styled sidebars and a back to top button.
Price: £79.00 | More Information
2. Ophelia
This one was designed virtual assistants, social media managers, web designers, and graphic designers in mind. It works well for any type of digital service provider. It has 7 main page-layouts and also includes a single post layout, case study project custom post type layout, and styled archive pages. Other features include a styled opt-in module, custom global footer, styled sidebars, menu styling, and an Instagram feed. It has an embedded feature that lets you add library layouts inside Divi modules. It has soft colors and elegant fonts for a feminine design.
Price: £79.00 | More Information
3. Carter
This Divi child theme was built specifically for virtual assistants, coaches, and small businesses. It has 5 main pages with 5 blog options, styled sidebars, a post slider, custom category layouts, gallery layouts, a custom footer with an Instagram feed, and a back to top button with an included PNG. It has soft colors for a feminine design, but the colors can easily be customized to fit any style. I like the header designs that show a featured image with an angled separator that points to the next section with an opt-in form.
Price: £75.99 | More Information
4. Camryn
Camryn was designed for any type of digital service business including authors, online social media writers, and course creators. It’s also ideal for virtual assistants with its 7 pages, 5 blog designs with styled sidebars and a custom post layout, custom category and archive pages, and custom footer with an embedded Instagram feed. The soft colors give it a feminine design. The overlapping images stand out perfectly. The testimonial page has an interesting design that places testimonials within cards that blend with the previous section and overlap the next one.
Price: £75.99 | More Information
5. The Hadley
This Divi child theme was designed specifically for virtual assistants and digital service-based businesses in general. It includes 7 main pages with an online store and resource page, a custom footer with embedded Instagram feed, styled opt-in form, custom link in the top bar, styled shop module and products page, and lots of modules. It’s a simple design and makes great use of background images to set sections apart from each other. The resources page makes interesting use of calls to action.
Price: $47 | More Information
6. The Riley
This Divi child theme was designed for virtual assistants, service-based business, and online stores. It has 6 main pages including an online store with a styled product page, a slim email opt-in form, a custom footer with embedded Instagram feed, and several styled modules. The services page uses an interesting alternating layout with large icons and images. I also like the tall blog card design that includes a styled border that matches the meta text along with the rest of the theme.
Price: $47 | More Information
7. The Elsa
The Elsa was designed specifically for virtual assistants, but it works well for any type of service-based business. It has 6 main pages that utilize an interesting minimal design with green backgrounds and black highlights. The homepage uses a multi-column layout with parallax that shows the contact form and several blurbs with images and buttons links to pages. The custom footer includes an embedded Instagram feed. The resources page displays resources as calls to action.
Price: $47 | More Information
8. Freelance Theme
This Divi child theme was designed for virtual assistants, coaches, copywriters, photographers, or any other type of online freelancer. It comes with four pages that use bold titles in black or a dark red that stands out perfectly. The red is also used for the background colors in buttons. Services are shown in large blocks that stand out, which are even larger on the services page. Images are included, which work especially well in the backgrounds. It’s a simple design that works well.
Price: $29 | More Information
9. Possibilities
Possibilities was built with virtual assistants, coaches, trainers, authors, and other service businesses in mind. It comes with 6 page-layouts, a blog post layout, a styled sidebar, a CTA in the menu, lots of styled modules, overlapping elements, and lots more. It also includes Bloom, Monarch, a slim subscribe section, a page title shadow box, and Font Awesome integration. I especially like the borders and overlays, and the blog design with the featured image with styled titles. The colors are great for practically any type of website.
Price: $75 | More Information
10. Addison
Addison was designed for service businesses and other types of sites including personal and virtual assistants, coaches, freelancers, bloggers, authors, salons, artists, and musicians. It includes 4 main pages, blog styling, styled sidebar, archive layouts, styling for Bloom (popup and inline) and Caldera Forms, Font Awesome integration, and a custom footer. It has an interesting tabbed section to reveal blurbs based on the types of services visitors want to see. They can choose the specific services in the Caldera form. I especially like the blog design. It has a minimal design but stands out by placing thumbnails in the corner of the blog cards. It also has a styled back to top button and browser control bar.
Price: $80 | More Information
Ending Thoughts
That’s our look at 10 Divi child themes for virtual assistants. Most were designed specifically for virtual assistants but also work well for coaches, trainers, freelancers, bloggers, authors, or any type of digital service-based business. They include everything a virtual assistant will need to build their website with Divi.
We want to hear from you. Have you tried any of these 10 Divi child themes for virtual assistants? Let us know what you think about them in the comments.
Featured Image via yav / shutterstock.com