Do you want to use Creative Commons licensed stock photos and images on your website? It is important to make sure you have permission to use images in your blog posts. Luckily, there are millions of Creative Commons licensed images that you can use royalty-free. In...
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How to Disable Overflow in WordPress (Remove Horizontal Scroll)
Do you want to disable overflow on your WordPress website? A horizontal scroll bar appears when an element on that page is too wide to display and overflows beyond the screen. Most WordPress themes don’t use horizontal scrolling because it can break your site layout...
13 Best WordPress 404 Error Page Design Examples
Are you looking for the best 404 error page design examples? The right 404 page will keep visitors on your site for longer and encourage them to convert. By creating an engaging, helpful, and entertaining 404 page, you can give visitors a great experience, even when...
WordPress vs Duda Website Builder
WordPress began as a popular blogging platform has since grown into a full-scale, open-source content management system (CMS). It’s among the top web platforms available online today, and the primary choice of millions of website owners. The Duda website builder is a...
How to Bulk Resize Images In Photoshop
Using images on your website is critical to attracting viewers or customers. As important as the visual is, the size of the image file matters too. For the images you choose to compliment your content and not distract from it, you should format them to work with your...
How to Make a Gym Website in WordPress (Step by Step)
Do you want to make a gym website in WordPress? Making a gym website on WordPress is the easiest way to promote your business online and get more customers. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to easily make a gym website using WordPress. Here is a quick...
How to Customize WooCommerce Login Page
Last updated - May 11, 2022 WooCommerce is, without doubt, one of the most popular open-source eCommerce systems available today. It does, however, have some restrictions and downsides, just like any other software. If you are a WooCommerce user, you have probably...
15 Tips to Find the Best WooCommerce Themes 2022
Last updated - April 8, 2022 A lot of WordPress themes are compatible with WooCommerce and you’ll be spoiled for choice when set out to choose one. The trick lies in finding out the best ones that are created exclusively for WooCommerce. This article offers a few tips...
10 Web Design Magazines You Should Be Reading in 2021
There are plenty of ways to learn about almost any subject you can imagine online. If you’re a web designer, you can find e-books, podcasts, video tutorials, and dozens of other resources that can help you improve your craft. However, web design magazines are...