Divi Icons Pro is a third-party plugin that adds over 2500 icons and several related features to the Divi Builder. It comes with several purchase options and even includes a free option with over three hundred custom icons. In this Divi plugin highlight, I’ll take a...
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Creative Interactive Blurb Modules Using Divi’s Transform & Hover Options
We’ve all been loving the new transform options. They help us create amazing designs and have a real-time view of the changes we make. And when combined with hover options, you can definitely manage to create some stunning effects. In this tutorial, we’re going to...
How to Add a Scroll Down Hover Effect to Preview Web Page Designs in Divi
Whether it’s in a portfolio page or an image gallery, web designers need to showcase their designs for clients as a crucial part of driving business. And, many times, these examples of their work include images of entire web page designs which can take up a lot of...
Get a FREE Paralegal Layout Pack for Divi
Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away brand new, free Layout Packs for Divi. This time around, Kenny and his team have created a stunning Paralegal Layout Pack with a clean...
New Submissions from March 2019
It’s time again for our monthly Divi Showcase where we take a look at 10 awesome Divi websites made by our community members. Each month we showcase the best Divi websites that were submitted from our community and today we want to share with you the top ten websites...
How to Make Your Headline Pop with Divi’s Animation Settings
Your headline is usually the first thing people read when they’re visiting your website. Besides having a really good headline, it’s also important to make people notice and actually read whatever it is you’re showing them. Headlines usually don’t go unnoticed because...
How to Rotate Text for Unique Layout Designs in Divi (Tutorial + FREE Layout Download)
Most of us are used to reading text from right to left and from top to bottom. But when it comes to web design, it might be a good idea to break free from the norm. One way to do this is with text rotation. Rotating text on your website may seem impractical, but it...
How to Style Blurb Icons as Design Accents for Content in Divi
Using blurb icons as design accents can give your page layout a unique design that you may have never thought of before. In addition to positioning the icon of a blurb module to overlap a text module, you can use the text module background and border to style the...
Divi Plugin Highlight: Battle Suit for Divi
Battle Suit for Divi is a third-party plugin that provides a collection of Divi Builder Modules, Divi Extensions, Tweaks, WordPress Widgets, and more, that add new features to Divi. It’s a modular system that’s highly expandable. The plugin itself is free and it can...