Social media buttons have become a standard component of a website due to the huge rise of social media. And with Divi, you can easily add those social media buttons using the social media follow module. However, by default, the buttons will align horizontally. This...
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Download 5 FREE CTA Sections with Overlapping Elements for Divi
Using overlaps in your design can really add an extra dimension to the website you’re building. We’re already used to the bottom-to-top and right-to-left overlaps, which we frequently use in layout packs and Divi design tutorials. But, you can also build unique...
How to Reveal Content with a Shutter Hover Effect in Divi
Revealing module content on hover can have some helpful benefits. 1) It can be a great way to have a more compact or elegant design of your web page initially. 2) It saves space. 3) It can entice users to interact with your page. 4) It looks cool :). The basic idea is...
Get a FREE Personal Stylist Layout Pack for Divi
Hey Divi Nation! Thanks for joining us for the next installment of our weekly Divi Design Initiative where each week, we give away two brand new, free Layout Packs for Divi. This time around, Kenny and his team have created a gorgeous Personal Stylist Layout Pack...
How to Design a Guest Speaker Section with an Effective CTA in Divi
Whether you have a podcast or are hosting a WordCamp (or any speaker event), it’s always a good idea to have a guest speaker section for your website. Like testimonials, showcasing guest speakers is an effective way to promote value and establish credibility with your...
How to Highlight Product Categories in a Stunning Divi Website Hero Section
If you’re familiar with e-commerce websites, you’re undoubtedly familiar with product categories as well. Product categories can be some of the most powerful pages on your website. That’s why it’s important to make them easy to find and highlight them in a...
Simple and Creative Ways to Display Company Logos in Divi
There are many reasons to display company logos on your website. A “Featured In” section of company logos could hold sway for potential investors or partners. Or an “Our Clients Include” section could establish valuable social proof with visitors. But whatever the...
How to Use Gradient Backgrounds as Background Image Masks with Divi
If you’re familiar with image editing software, such as Photoshop, you’re probably familiar with masks as well. Masks help you bring two layers together and create a unique outcome. With Divi, you can get creative and create your own kind of masks inside your pages...
How to Transfer a New Design Style to Another Page Using Divi’s Efficiency Features
This week, as part of our ongoing Divi design initiative, we’re going to show you how to transfer a new design style to another page using Divi’s Furniture Store Layout Pack. With all the new layout packs that are coming out, you might have wanted to change the style...