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Free Download: 5 Custom WordPress Login Page Designs Built with Divi
divi-login-page-layoutsDownload At one point or another, you might have come across the Login Module for Divi. This module allows you to display a WordPress login form and lets you style that form however you want inside the Divi environment. Especially when...
Comment ajouter des images de produit collantes à votre modèle de page de produit Divi
Divi-Sticky-Product-Images-Product-Page-Template.json_Télécharger Lorsqu'il s'agit d'acheter des produits en ligne, de superbes images de produits sont essentielles pour conclure la vente. C'est pourquoi la plupart des pages de produits ont ces images de produits...
All you need to know about domain names
Whether you're launching your first website or upgrading an existing one, your domain name is a central element. It's important from a technical standpoint, as it allows users to easily access your site, but it's also essential to your digital brand. Since...
YouTube Video Advertising: What You Need to Know
YouTube is a video-driven social networking platform with a wide reach and powerful ad targeting capabilities. These features make YouTube especially strong for digital marketers. YouTube video advertising can offer serious ROI if executed properly, so if you’re...
How to Create a Custom Toggle for Video Transcripts in Divi
Adding a custom toggle for your video transcripts can bring a lot of benefits to your website. In fact, simply including a video transcript for each video on your website can improve user experience, accessibility, and SEO. Users will have the option of reading the...
How to Cover Your Hero Section on Scroll with Divi’s Sticky Options
If you’re currently working on your website’s hero design inside Divi, you might be looking for some interesting ways to add an effect on scroll. With Divi’s sticky options, a ton of design possibilities are possible. In today’s tutorial, we’ll highlight one of...
How to Create a Frosted Glass Background Design in Divi
Adding a frosted glass background for your website can be a fresh design element that makes your backgrounds and text stand out in a unique way. The trick to creating a frosted glass background effect is to blur the background behind the target element. In other...
How to Create a Dynamic 3D Mousemove Animation Effect in Divi
Creating a dynamic 3D mousemove animation is a fun and exciting way for users to engage with web content on your Divi site. The design is dynamic in that the animation will move with your cursor. Normally, we animate objects on hover or click. But in this tutorial,...
35 Web Design Blogs Worth Following
Inspiration comes in many forms, and professional development never ends. With that in mind, we’ve put together a massive list of web design blogs that can keep your brain fed for the entire year. And don’t worry – you won’t find any duds on this list. We respect...