Doctor Who Eaglemoss 005 Cilurian Warrior

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Doctor Who from the famous TVshow. Please ask seller for the magazine.
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BrandEaglemoss CountryGreat Britain

With the latest issue of Doctor Who Figurine Collection, the former rulers of the planet are ready to start a war with the ‘apes’ who stole the Earth.

Your figurine depicts one of the Silurian warriors as they appear in the episode 'Cold Blood', aiding Restac in her attempt to take control of the city from its leader, Eldane.

This incredible hand-painted figurine has been meticulously crafted in metallic resin and features the head crest, warrior mask, one-piece tunic and gas gun used by the Silurian.

The revival of Earth's reptilian rulers explored in the magazine, along with a profile of First Doctor William Hartnell and a look at the future of post-Earth humanity in Doctor Who.

Great Britain
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