Eaglemoss Star Trek 068 Federation Attack Fighter

Availability: 2 item(s)
30 days
Die-cast model. Please ask seller for the magazine.
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  •  First product Worldwide $15 then $5 for each additional item.
  •  It should be less than $10 after the end of the crisis.
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BrandEaglemoss CountryGreat Britain

The Federation Attack Fighter was used by the during their insurrection against the Cardassian Union. Prior to 2370, these ships were civilian Federation support couriers not used by Starfleet. They were able to carry a range of weapons at their disposal, such as torpedoes, pulse cannons, and disruptors. Large numbers of these ships were used by Starfleet in the Dominion War.

This model is die-cast, hand-painted, and comes with an in-depth magazine featuring product artwork and highlighting the ship's history and design.

Magazine on-demand, free of charge when we have it.

Product Details-

Product: Officially Licensed Model
Collection: Star Trek: The Official Starships Collection
Material: Hand-Painted Die-Cast Metal and ABS Plastic
Length: Approx. 5.51 inches

Great Britain
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