Special Strange 039 - Editions Lug - Semic

Availability: 2 item(s)
10 days
bon état. Photo non contractuelle.
  • Fulfilled by LaFactory: We check your order and ship it with tracking number.
  •  First product Worldwide $15 then $5 for each additional item.
  •  It should be less than $10 after the end of the crisis.
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1/ Les étranges X-Men - Et les morts enterreront les vivants (20 pages) → Uncanny X-Men #149 (09/81) And The Dead Shall Bury The Living [20 pages sur 21] (Chris Claremont / Dave Cockrum / Joe Rubinstein) 2/ Les étranges X-Men - Moi, Magnéto... (20 pages) → Uncanny X-Men #150 (10/81) I, Magneto [1/2] (Chris Claremont / Dave Cockrum / Joe Rubinstein, Bob Wiacek) 3/ L'Araignée & Machine Man - Un et un font trois ! (19 pages) → Marvel Team-Up (1°) #99 (11/80) Spider-Man And Machine Man - And Machine Man Makes 3 (Tom DeFalco / Jerry Bingham / Mike Esposito) 4/ La Chose et Dragon-Lune - La Contre-Terre (17 pages) → Marvel Two-In-One #62 (04/80) The Thing And Moondragon - The Taking Of Counter-Earth ! (Mark Gruenwald / Jerry Bingham / Gene Day)