Spidey 075 - Editions Lug - Semic

Availability: 1 item(s)
10 days
Bon état, bouts de la tranche frottés,défauts sur la couverture. Photo non contractuelle.
  • Fulfilled by LaFactory: We check your order and ship it with tracking number.
  •  First product Worldwide $15 then $5 for each additional item.
  •  It should be less than $10 after the end of the crisis.
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1/ Les Mutants X-Men - Traquez les mutants ! (20 pages) → Uncanny X-Men #58 (07/69) Mission: Murder (Roy Thomas / Neal Adams / Tom Palmer) 2/ Guerres Secrètes - Mort au Beyonder ! (24 pages) → Secret Wars #10 (02/85) Death To The Beyonder ! [24 pages sur 26] (Jim Shooter / Michael Zeck / John Beatty) 3/ Puissance 4 - Problèmes (21 pages) → Power Pack (1°) #11 (06/85) Problems [21 pages sur 22] (Louise Simonson / June Brigman / Bob Wiacek)

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