Strange 200 - Editions Lug - Semic

Availability: 2 item(s)
10 days
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  •  First product Worldwide $15 then $5 for each additional item.
  •  It should be less than $10 after the end of the crisis.
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1/ La Division Alpha - Quand l'amour est d'or → Alpha Flight (1°) #20 (03/85) Gold And Love Affairs ! (John Byrne / John Byrne / Keith Williams) 2/ L'Homme Araignée - Le défi du Super-Bouffon → Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #260 (01/85) The Challenge Of Hobgoblin ! (Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Joe Rubinstein, Brett Breeding) 3/ Quelle est la force exacte de l'Araignée? → Amazing Spider-Man (1°) Annual #15 (2) (1981) Just How Strong Is ... Spider-Man? (Mark Gruenwald / Mark Gruenwald / Bob Layton) 4/ L'appartement de Peter Parker → Amazing Spider-Man (1°) Annual #15 (3) (1981) Peter Parker's Apartment ! (Roger Stern / Marie Severin / Terry Austin) 5/ L'étonnante saga des mondes parallèles ! (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (1) (08/82) Intro 6/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (5) (08/82) What If Him Had Married Her ? / Black Bolt Got The Hiccups ? / Galactus Ate The Earth ? (Mark Gruenwald / Ron Zalme / Al Milgrom) 7/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (11) (08/82) What If Willie Lumpkin Were Herald To Galactus ? / Ghost Rider Owned A Fast Food Franchise ? / All The Super Heroes Who Now Live In New York City Moved To Toledo, Ohio ? 8/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (15) (08/82) What If Black Bolt Were A Rock Star ? 9/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (16) (08/82) What If Daredevil Were Deaf Instead Of Blind ? 10/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (21) (08/82) What If The Silver Surfer, White Tiger, Night Rider, Iceman And Moon Knight Fought Wendigo In A Snowstorm ? / The Black Panther Fought The Shroud Master Of Darkness In A Coalmine ? 11/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (25) (08/82) What If Aunt May Became A Super Hero ? / Reed Richards Had Not Invented Unstable Molecules ? 12/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (31) (08/82) What If Daredevil Could See ? / Thor Got A Haircut ? / Spider-Man Had Married The Black Widow ? 13/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (32) (08/82) What If Iron Man Had An Eating Problem Instead Of A Drinking Problem ? 14/ (1 page) → What If (1°) #34 (33) (08/82) What If Dr. Doom Had A Sense Of Humor ? / Galactus Needed Quick Cash ? / What Will Happen When Stan Lee Reads This Issue ? 15/ L'Homme Araignée - Les péchés de mon père ! → Amazing Spider-Man (1°) #261 (02/85) The Sins Of My Father ! (Tom DeFalco / Ron Frenz / Joe Rubinstein) 16/ L'intrépide Daredevil - Vengeance aveugle ! → Daredevil (1°) #217 (04/85) The Sight Stealer (Dennis O'Neil / David Mazzucchelli / David Mazzucchelli)

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