
Our WordPress Plans

30-Day Money-back Guarantee. Two free months for one year subscription

Starting from
12.42 /mo
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Our high-performance cPanel plans for security-conscious Experts

30 days money back guarantee

Starting from


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Thousands of euros saved each year
With every WordPress site, get Divi and dozens of other premium extensions. In addition to the hundreds of Divi templates included with the web builder, boost your productivity with a variety of Divi child themes and develop truly original sites at lightning speed.
Key feature: Business Booster with all our WordPress plans
Our personalized consulting program with actionable insights to drive more traffic and sales to your website.

25 years Hosting Experience
30 Days Money Back

No questions asked. Refund in a matter of minutes.

Total Secure

hundreds of security rules updated in real time.

Fast load time

100% NVME. Enjoy a a speed five times faster than your SSD.

Cloud Backups

30 days history backups to restore files and databases.


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry.

Great Support

English spoken Support seven days a week

Switch From Another Host, free of charge
Our dedicated Migrations Team is standing by to transfer your existing content from your prior host and configure it to perform optimally on our platform. We can also transfer domain registrations from other registrars in order to provide you complete management of your entire online portfolio all in one place!

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