SEO Consultant

High-end services starting at 200€/month

Services by Francis Rozange

You might be surprised by his references. Former collaborator of Libération in the Multimedia section, you can read his portrait in his Pressbook as well as admire the screenshot of one of his web sites created in… 1996. He has often been interviewed, both in the press and on television. His expertise -especially SEO- is internationally recognized and big companies such as Unilever or the World Expo 2020 have used his services.


A solid and diversified experience

We have extensive experience in search engine optimization. Having worked with companies of various sizes and industries, we have developed an in-depth understanding of winning strategies and advanced techniques to improve your website’s SEO.


A personalized approach

We understand that every business is unique and requires a SEO strategy tailored to its specific needs. That’s why we take the time to thoroughly analyze your website, your industry and your business goals to develop a customized action plan that will help you achieve the results you want.

A regular follow-up

The world of SEO is constantly changing, and search engine algorithms are frequently updated. To ensure that you remain competitive and maintain your position in the search results, we regularly monitor your online performance and make the necessary adjustments to maintain and improve your ranking.

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