Web Development

Website : 400€. eCommerce : 600€. And we don’t ask you for a deposit

Why our rates are so competitive

There was a time when creating a website was a pure development task, with solid knowledge in PHP, CSS, and HMTL. But with more and more powerful web builders (Divi, Elementor…) what used to take months can now be done in a few days, yet developers have not adjusted their prices. In France the costs are four to ten times higher than international rates. We are so sure of our results that we propose to realize your website without asking you in advance. Make an appointment with Zoom or contact us via our form or Facebook. You will have your website within eight days.


eCommerce : A long experience

We created our first online store in 2009 with Magento and 10,000 items. LaFactory Comicshop still exists, with sales worldwide. Another large-scale project, LaFactory Marketplace with more than a million pages listed in Google and hundreds of vendors.

So it’s no surprise that companies like Unilever have used our services. We are able to work with companies of all sizes, For SMBs we favor Woocommerce, which guarantees fast development and simplified updates.

Simplified procedures

No sales person. No customer representative. No project manager, no quotations.

So how do you go about it? Choose a showcase or eCommerce site for 400€. And that’s it. This hyper-rationalization of costs, at all levels, is what allows me to offer you an unbeatable rate for a high-end service. You will have your website in less than a week.

You hesitate? We invite you to contact some of our customers, all hosted by LaFactory Online, who benefit from powerful backlinks from the beginning of their activity.

No-Code with WordPress

On the technical side, we work in no-code with the Divi web builder, whose license with lifetime updates is offered with your site.

What web developers don’t tell you is that although they charge four figures, they do exactly the same thing… And they also charge you for the Premium extensions they work with!

No advance payment required

Almost all of our customers choose to be hosted by LaFactory Online, which allows us to benefit from a recurring income once the development is completed. Our customers hosted on LaFactory do not need to pay an advance for the development of their website, which continues to be updated and improved continuously.

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